Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Grindmaster: Model 250ABE Auto Two Hopper Multi-Grind Commercial Coffee Grinder 230V

Special deals Grindmaster: Model 250ABE Auto Two Hopper Multi-Grind Commercial Coffee Grinder 230V reviews & best price. Grindmaster: Model 250ABE Auto Two Hopper Multi-Grind Commercial Coffee Grinder 230V, there may also available for holidays deals such as Black Friday, Thanksgiving, or Cyber Monday or others holiday deals as well. However please check more details at the most trusted online store we provided by clicking "Get lowest Price!" or "Read Full Reviews" buttons before making any purchases.
Grindmaster: Model 250ABE Auto Two Hopper Multi-Grind Commercial Coffee Grinder 230V

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Seller : Grindmaster

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    Product Description
    Features: Large and small portion sizes for each coffee type and Grindmaster's exclusive automatic Grind-Selector, which allows users to select the appropriate grind settings by coffee type or portion size; Easy and accurate dispensing of all coffee roasts and flavored coffees; Precise, consistent throws at all weights; Large, dual hoppers which hold two coffee types; Portioning individually set for each coffee type; Patented portioning system gives unit a wide dispensing range; Large grinding burrs for excellent grind profile and fast grinding time; Accommodates all types of brewing equipment; Patented universal brew rails accept all brew baskets; 1/2 HP motor with circuit breaker; Grindmaster's burrs are precision ground and lapped in pairs to provide an efficient uniform grind profile. This results in the best profile and most consistent throw. Best Warranty in the Industry: Burrs - 4 years parts (or 30,000 pounds of coffee, whichever comes first), 1 year labor. All other components - 2 years parts, 1 year labor.Made in the USA.

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